What will homework look like this year?
Look for the 'black sack' this year. In it, you will find all that is needed to complete the weekly homework tasks.
Homework will go home weekly. The weekly tasks are designed to reinforce spelling and problem solving skills. Everything goes home on Monday and gets collected on Friday. Please see spelling and brainteaser folders for more information.
Word Study & Word Meaning (double-sided sheet)
30 points for Spelling Tasks (extra points = bonus bucks)
Math Brainteaser:
Brainteaser to solve using four step method:
1. Understand
2. Plan
3. Try It
4. Look Back
SURF (read) each night for at least 20 minutes!
The SURF track sheet is for school. No need to record anything at home. Students will be SURFing daily in the classroom and if they wish to take their SURF books home to continue reading, they are welcome to do so. They are also welcome to work on their response sheets at home as well. Although reading on a nightly basis is encouraged, students do not have to do SURF at home. SURF at home is for students who wish to read the same book at home and at school. It also allows them to finish books sooner. If SURF books go home, they need to come back to school daily for class reading time.
Homework will look different in March, so stay tuned to find out about the changes...
Please note: additional homework may go home throughout the week, so be sure to check the on track sack!